Reporting Abuse If you or someone you know has been sexually abused by a member of the clergy or other church personnel, you can register a complaint by one of the following means:
First, call the Department of Family and Protective Services at 1-800-252-5400 or report the abuse online at
If the person is in immediate danger, call 911
Then call the Chancery at 361-573-0828 and ask to speak with the Bishop;
Call Vicki L. Pyatt, LMSW at 361-827-7186 or email [email protected], Coordinators of Pastoral Care and Outreach;
Call Bishop or Chancellor of the Diocese of Victoria at 361-573-0828
Written Allegations should be sent to:
Office of the Bishop
P.O.Box 4070
Victoria, TX 77903
***Mark your letter "Personal and Confidential."
We will help you bring your concerns to Church officials outside the diocese if the abuse occurred elsewhere and you now reside in the Diocese of Victoria. If you are unsure about bringing a complaint or would like further information, please contact: Vicki L. Pyatt @
Our school Safe Environment Coordinator is Leslie Chancellor. She may be reached at
361-293-3518 or by email @ [email protected]