Pre-K-8th Grade Morning Drop-Off Locations and Procedures
On the school-side of Orth Street (It is a one-way street during pick-up and drop-off)
Please make arrangements for ALL students to exit the vehicle from the passenger side during drop-off
PreK-8th Grade Afternoon Pick-Up Locations and Procedures
ONLY on the school-side of Orth Street (It is a one-way street during pick-up and drop-off)
This applies to all students in grades K-8 - Students will not be released to parents parked in the gym parking lot specifically for pick-up purposes.
Please make arrangements for ALL students to enter the vehicle from the passenger side during pick-up.
***NOTE: Pre-K parents are allowed to park in front of the church/rectory and walk down the sidewalk between the church and prayer garden to the building WITH the pre-k student to drop off or pick up pre-k students. If you have a student(s) in higher grades, they may also be picked up at the building WITH the pre-k student.
At NO TIME is a student allowed to walk between cars or to cross the street during pick-up and drop-off times.
Also, parents, please be mindful of driveways; do not block neighborhood driveways while waiting in drop-off or pick-up lines.
And, it is ILLEGAL for anyone to be on a cell phone when driving in a school zone. Please help us set a good example for our students and adhere to this law.
SJS Spirit Wear
Previously designed spirit shirts, new and recycled, are available through the SJS Office.
Mass Polos are available through the SJS Office.
If you would like the SJS logo or a tiger embroidered on a school shirt, Janet Adamek will do this for $5.00. You may call her at 361-293-0081.
If your child is outgrowing spirit shirts and you want to make room for new ones, you may send the gently used spirit shirts to the office! These shirts will be recycled for free, as available. Share the wealth and pay it forward!