Oh, goodness… so many things going on in May - I can barely catch my breath from one event to the next! Speaking of breath-taking… did any of you have the honor of attending the SJS First Communion Mass on Saturday? The 12 second graders did awesome! They read parts of the Mass, carried gifts and sang a song for the congregation! Each one of them were so excited about receiving the Holy Eucharist for the first time… that innocent, genuine excitement sure can remind us adults just how excited we should all be every time we are in communion with each other!
On the to-do list this week: Tuesday we have our Jr. High AR Splashway trip and Thursday is the Elementary AR Splashway trip! Congratulations to all of our AR Trip Achievers! Wednesday is the Spring Band Concert in the SJS gym at 6:30 - if you have never heard the Tiger Band, we invite you to come by. Also, Wednesday is the SJS Awards Banquet in the Family Center at 7:00 pm. We hope to see all who RSVP’d! Friday, the 8th grade students are traveling to Austin for their Final Farewell Trip, and Saturday, at 5:00 pm Mass, our 8th graders graduate… Somebody please bring tissues!!!
Next week brings field day, class parties and end of school… WHAT??? That’s right, folks… another year is already behind us…
God Bless all of our readers and stay tuned for the final article of the 2016-2017 edition of Tiger Tales in next week’s paper!