Today's world can be a scary place to grow up. It's easy to become overwhelmed by the events of the world and forget who we really are, especially without a constant reminder. That is our reason for choosing Catholic education. It's not the scholastic part (although our children are way ahead of grade level in their subjects). It's not the small classes (although it does help that SJS teachers can give tons of one-on-one attention). I could list all the MANY wonderful reasons we love SJS, but at their core, those were not our reasons for choosing Catholic education. My kids are not models of grace, they tend to misbehave in church (but they are there), and I make mistakes daily as a mother. But choosing Catholic education is one thing I know we got right. Because when my child is struggling through a test or feeling overwhelmed at school, he can look around in any room of the building and find the cross. He will get a daily dose of faith formation. He will be reminded who he is, and he can move through this day with the confidence of a valuable, cherished child of God.